Nursing Tea
This tea has beneficial ingredients to nourish the body and support milk supply:
- Red raspberry leaf– Rich in vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. Supports hormone health.
- Nettle leaf– High in chlorophyll and trace minerals, promotes urinary health.
- Fenugreek– Contains potassium, vitamin C, and diosgenin to aid breastfeeding and milk supply.
- Fennel– Source of iron, folate, and vitamin C. Supports digestion and may alleviate colic in the baby.
- Chamomile– A calming herb that promotes restful sleep for mom and baby.
- Dandelion– Packed with vitamins and minerals for overall health.
Breastfeeding is a great time to hydrate and replenish, so enjoy this tea while you sit and nourish your baby.